The Amazing Race Siem Reap, Cambodia TeamBuilding

Siem Reap is the second largest city in Cambodia and is the capital of Siem Reap Province which includes a large part of the Angkor Wat area, the well-known UNESCO-protected world heritage site.

Angkor Wat itself covers 9 square kilometres and is approximately 6 kilometers from the city making it the ideal location for the Amazing Race. What could be more thrilling than a race that takes you from interactions with locals in a city environment to the extraordinary, historical site that is Angkor Wat?

Your teams will be given maps and information and set off in vans or local transport (such as Tuk Tuks) to discover a number of locations where they will have to find clues and solve puzzles or complete a cultural challenge to find their next location.

Cultural challenges may include:

The final locations are in Angkor Wat where teams will have to search and find messages and decode them to find the final answers. The fastest team will win the Amazing Race.

Benefits of Teambuilding

We design all our races to promote maximum participation and tailor them to be suitable for all fitness levels and personality types, and to bring out their time management and planning skills in the most engaging way.

The race can also improve your business by helping your team to:

Why choose The Amazing Race?

There’s a reason that The Amazing Race is one of our most popular team building activities; it’s exciting, it’s adventurous and there’s something about following clues and facing challenges as a team, while making your way around an unfamiliar location, that brings out the explorer in all of us!

Treasure Hunt Angkor Wat Cambodia TeamBuilding

Siem Reap is the second largest city in Cambodia and is the capital of Siem Reap Province which includes a large part of the Angkor Wat area, the well-known UNESCO-protected world heritage site. Taking place entirely in Angkor Wat, this treasure hunt revolves around a hundred year old mystery that your teams will have to solve.

A hidden artifact in the ancient ruins of a 900 year old temple in the jungles of Cambodia should be enough to fire up the treasure seeker in all of us!

Using tuk tuks or mountain bikes to arrive at the temple, teams will look for clues among the ruins and using anagrams, ciphers, GPS coordinates and other puzzle solving techniques will eventually arrive at the hiding place of a treasured artifact long hidden from human view.

A sample puzzle may be assigning a numerical value to the letters of the name of an animal depicted in stone and using the numbers for the GPS location of the next clue.

Benefits of Teambuilding

We design all our activities to promote maximum participation and tailor them to be suitable for all fitness levels and personality types, and to bring out their time management and planning skills in the most engaging way.

This activity can also improve your business by helping your team to:

Why choose The Treasure Hunt?

The rich history and culture of Angkor Wat are incorporated into the challenge, allowing your team to experience everything the temple has to offer, while collaborating, solving puzzles together, testing their mental faculties and physical endurance, racing to the end and having fun.